Tricorder Records
neusser strasse 341
50733 köln [germany]

Product Quantity Price p. Unit
STAR TREK Anrufbeantworter CD

32.90 DM (16.82 Euro)
32 STAR TREK Poker Cards

14.95 DM (7.64 Euro)
2 x 55 STAR TREK Rummy Cards

19.95 DM (10.20 Euro)
The Simpsons Rummy Cards

19.95 DM (10.20 Euro)
Cologne Cathedral Postcard

5.00 DM (2.56 Euro)
Alaaf - Das Spiel

39.90 DM (20.40 Euro)
Postage & Handling Charges:
Within Germany: any 3 pieces DM 12.76 (Euro 6.52)
Within Europe: any 4 pieces DM 13.92 (Euro 7.12)
Overseas: any 4 pieces DM 17.40 (Euro 8.90)






Credit Card Type
MasterCard / EuroCard
Visa Card
Card Number

Valid From

Valid Thru

Card Owner

Owner as above

Postage & Handling Charges
European Customers
Please allow DM 13.92 (Euro 7.12) postage & handling for any 4 products. The postage & handling costs will be added to the total value of goods ordered, and charged to your credit card.
Overseas Customers
Please allow DM 17.40 (Euro 8.90) postage & handling for any 4 products. The postage & packing costs will be added to the total value of goods ordered, and charged to your credit card.
Delivery normally within 28 days.
Für Bestellungen innerhalb Deutschlands entstehen Portokosten von DM 12.76 (Euro 6.52) für bis zu 3 Produkten. Für mehr als 3 Produkte gilt der gültige Päckchen- bzw. Paketpreis der Deutschen Post AG. Bestellungen werden normalerweise innerhalb einer Woche ausgeliefert.

Date, Signature